It was 2nd semester of 2002 in a Communications III Class and it was my lucky pick for the Impromptu speech. "Is the Filipino still worth dying for?" ... the famous words attributed to Ninoy Aquino, a Philippine hero assassinated during the Marcos regime was what I came face to face with for that 1 and a half hour period and I don't know why but until today I still remember most of what I said.

well I'm not sure what I said back then especially about the countries but I think it was something to this effect) :) Anyway, enjoy the holiday tomorrow fellow Filipinos!

Is the Filipino still worth dying for?

Yes the Filipino is worth dying for... - These are the resounding words answered by Ninoy Aquino to this question more than 20 years ago.

Today, I am faced with the same question and sadly I have to answer no.

The Filipino of today is not worth dying for. The Filipino of today, these are your friends, your barkada, the people you go to work with, the people you go to school with. These people, these Filipinos they are not worth dying for.

The Filipino of yesterday are not worth dying for. The Filipino of yesterday, your parents, your uncles and aunts, your professors, your teachers, the Filipino of yesterday, these people are not worth dying for, they can save themselves. In fact, some of them have died for us...

The Filipino of tomorrow, they are the ones worth dying for. They are your children, they are your children's children, their nephews, their nieces, they are the future of the Philippines. They are the ones we have to die for.

We the Filipino of today are not worth dying for because we are not taking care of our seas, we are not taking care of our land, of our air, our future. We have left the future of our country to the care of the Japanese, they are the one's setting up projects for our seas, Canadians are the one's planning reforesting measures, the Americans are the one's building homes for the poor. We the Filipino of today are only taking care of ourselves.

We the Filipino of today are not worth dying for... but I assure you, your children and their children's children are well worth dying for.

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